Don’t Breathe (2016)
“Don’t Breathe,” directed by Fede Álvarez and released in 2016, is a tense horror-thriller that masterfully subverts the home invasion genre. The film follows a group of young thieves—Rocky (Jane Levy), Alex (Dylan Minnette), and Money (Daniel Zovatto)—who target a blind war veteran named Norman Nordstrom (Stephen Lang) in his secluded home, believing him to be an easy mark. However, they quickly find themselves trapped in a nightmare when Norman proves to be more formidable and cunning than they anticipated. As the intruders struggle to escape, the film expertly builds suspense, exploring themes of moral ambiguity and survival.
Cinematically, “Don’t Breathe” is lauded for its innovative direction and effective use of sound. Álvarez creates an atmosphere of palpable tension, employing clever cinematography and tight editing to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film’s sound design plays a crucial role, as the audience experiences the story through the perspective of both the intruders and the blind protagonist, intensifying the suspense. Lang’s performance as the terrifying yet tragic Norman is particularly noteworthy, showcasing a complex character driven by desperation. Levy also delivers a strong performance, embodying the character’s determination and vulnerability. Overall, “Don’t Breathe” stands out as a gripping thriller that combines smart storytelling with intense performances, making it a compelling entry in modern horror cinema.