Frozen (2010)

Frozen (2010)

Frozen is a 2010 American psychological horror survival film directed by Adam Green, starring Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers, and Emma Bell. The film tells the story of three friends, Dan Walker, Parker O’Neal, and Joe Lynch, who are stranded in a chairlift after a day of skiing. The ski lift operator mistakenly believes they are three people who still need to come down, shutting down the chairlift, leaving the three friends trapped many feet above the ground.

Trapped on the chair, they endure a snowstorm and are eventually rescued by a snow groomer. Dan jumps off the chair, fracturing both of his legs, and Parker and Joe attempt to help him down. However, a pack of wolves arrives, torn apart by the wolves. Grieving over Dan’s death, Parker and Joe blame each other for their friend’s tragic passing before comforting each other. They initially share their history of dating, with Parker admitting that Dan was someone she wanted to marry. The film explores themes of friendship, survival, and the consequences of one’s actions.

Joe attempts to descend a mountain using a chairlift cable, but the securing bolt loosens, causing him to be severely injured. He climbs a nearby support tower and faces wolves, but manages to escape with a ski pole. Promising Parker to return with help, Joe travels down the mountain on Parker’s discarded snowboard.

As Joe doesn’t return by the next day, Parker tries to reach the support pole herself. The securing bolt disconnects, and the lift falls to the ground, held by a single tether wire. Parker jumps from the chair, but the tether snaps, and the chair crashes onto her ankle.

Parker crawls down the mountain, encountering the wolves feasting on Joe’s mutilated corpse. They ignore her as she descends, eventually reaching a road and flagging down a passing car. The driver stops and takes her to a local hospital, telling her she will be okay. Parker closes her eyes, remembering Dan’s words to her.

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