Black Water: Abyss (2020) is an Australian survival horror film directed by Andrew Traucki. A standalone sequel to Black Water (2007), the film follows a group of friends who become trapped in an underground cave system in Northern Australia, where they quickly discover they are not alone. As rising floodwaters begin to fill the cave, they find themselves hunted by a deadly crocodile lurking in the shadows.
The group, made up of Eric (Luke Mitchell), Jennifer (Jessica McNamee), Yolanda (Amali Golden), Viktor (Benjamin Hoetjes), and Cash (Anthony J. Sharpe), is pushed to their limits as they fight for survival in the dark, claustrophobic space with limited supplies and a relentless predator. The film builds suspense through tight, enclosed shots and plays on primal fears of both drowning and deadly creatures.
Black Water: Abyss is praised for its tension-filled atmosphere, with the cave and floodwaters creating an eerie and dangerous setting. The film relies heavily on practical effects to create a realistic predator, and its blend of survival elements and creature horror delivers suspenseful moments. While it received mixed reviews for its simplicity and familiar premise, it remains a solid pick for fans of survival horror looking for a gritty, contained thriller focused on human resilience against nature’s fiercest predators.