The Roundup (2022)

The Roundup is the sequel to the film The Outlaws (2017), continuing the story of detective Ma Seok-do, played by Lee Sung-min, in a thrilling and humorous pursuit of crime. The film begins as Ma Seok-do is assigned to investigate a murder case linked to criminal gangs. With the support of his old team, he faces off against a new, ruthless, and clever enemy.

Lee Sung-min excels once again in his role, portraying a detective who is both serious and comical. The supporting cast also delivers strong performances, adding layers of interest to the film.

The Roundup features impressive cinematography, from intense chase scenes to quiet, emotional moments. The soundtrack enhances the suspenseful atmosphere of the film.

Overall, The Roundup is not just an entertaining action movie but also conveys messages about friendship, loyalty, and determination. With a tightly woven plot, impressive performances, and gripping action sequences, this is definitely a film not to be missed for fans of the genre.

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