Maybe I Do (2023) is a romantic comedy-drama directed by Michael Jacobs, starring Diane Keaton, Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Emma Roberts, and Luke Bracey. The film explores the complexities of love, marriage, and relationships, centering on a young couple whose relationship takes an unexpected turn when they bring their parents together to discuss their future.
Plot Overview
Michelle (Emma Roberts) and Allen (Luke Bracey) are a young couple contemplating marriage, though they are uncertain about committing to a lifelong relationship. To get guidance, they decide to introduce their parents to each other, hoping the older generation can offer wisdom and insight. However, Michelle and Allen soon discover that their parents are already entangled in their own complicated relationships.
As it turns out, Michelle’s mother, Grace (Diane Keaton), has been romantically involved with Allen’s father, Howard (Richard Gere), while Michelle’s father, Sam (William H. Macy), is involved with Allen’s mother, Monica (Susan Sarandon). The revelation of these hidden relationships leads to a series of comedic and dramatic confrontations, where each character is forced to confront their own beliefs about love, fidelity, and marriage. Through these interactions, the parents, as well as Michelle and Allen, reflect on their desires, mistakes, and the importance of genuine connection.